
How Do You Reset Mini Planet?


1 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To reset Mini Planet you need to do the following:

  • Login to your Facebook account

You first need to be logged into Facebook so that you can access the Mini Planet application.
  • Select to Mini Planet game

Once you are logged in and in Mini Planet you can decide what to do with the program. You can change your avatar from the Me page.

  • Go to the profile

You will have to select 'profile' in order to get access to your avatar's looks. From here you can select how you want to look. You will not be able to reset gender, but you can at least change your look.

  • Go to the world

You can also go to your world and look at your pad. From here you can change just about anything in the first room that you are given. You just have to select from what is available in order to reset what it looks like. It is a lot like many of the other Facebook games in that you can change it how you want it by clicking and dragging things.

  • Reset
If you want a complete reset in which you start from scratch with the bare minimum they give you for accessing the Mini Planet game you will most likely have to disallow the program. In other words, tell Facebook you no longer want to belong to that game. You will be removed. It will take a bit of time for your account to be deactivated completely such as disappearing from the servers of the Mini Planet game.

After a month or so you can decide to allow the game again and you may find you are able to reset it. Otherwise you have to go with changing things within the allowable options world and profile provided to you.

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