
Is There Cheats For Mini Planet On Facebook?


10 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
There are not going to be any websites which are going to be able to provide you with the information that you are looking for. When you search online you are going to find many different suggestions from people who play the game themselves and what they consider to be as cheats. You are going to find that if there is not a website which can provide you with the cheats in a list, that there simply aren't going to be able for the Mini Planet game on Facebook which you are searching for. There are going to be certain ways in which you are going to be able to get around certain things, but there are not going to be any certain cheats.

The only thing that you are going to be able to do is use the suggestions which people have put on the internet for others to try and use. If you do not find that these are working you are simply going to have to stick at the game and play it as it was designed there may be steps which you can follow to ensure that you are going to be successfully in the game but you are going to find that there is no way around getting cheats and you are going to have to play the game and work hard at it.

If you cannot find any cheats when you are looking on the internet you are going to have to assume that there aren't any for the game that you are playing, this is something that we all have to accept at some point and then we need to stay playing the game to get to where we want to be. As with most games, they are not going to have cheats as it is simply a game on a social networking site and not that of a gaming company.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know hot go gett loadss of moneyy - first: Report a bug then say it took away some moey it add your email nd name within 2hours it will give you the amount of money you said it took away
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I wish there was some coin cheats like playing games on mini planet to get more money on mini planet xx
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes xx
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No there are no cheats for mini planet, its just about having fun and earning coins gradually.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Not that I know of but do the jobs and get money or you can cheat people out of money lol!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No there isn't
Jessie Rodgers Profile
Jessie Rodgers answered
There is 1 cheat tht might work :
1.Go onto Facebook
2.Go onto MINI Planet
3.Stay at the page your on
4. Refresh 10 times, WITHOUT stopping
5.It might give you money!

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