But, we can still offer some tips to help you come up with a half-decent gamertag for yourself.
- Generally, the best gamertags will involve something around your name because you want your gamertag to be easily identifiable as you. Try messing around with variations of different symbols and your name. Another popular style is to replace letters in your name with characters, such as 'J4m35' (James).
- Also, you could still just go for a totally unrelated gamertag which is either clever, sweet or somewhere in between. My advice would be that you keep your gamertag short, sweet, and punchy. Use a gamertag that's personal to you. Aside from using just your name, the most common gamertags are based on changing letters in your name to numbers or other characters. These are probably the most fun to make, and also your friends will have to decrypt the gamertag to realize that it spells out your name.
- Many gamertags are used to express a certain trait in the person's personality. For example, a favorite sports team, a meaningful quote to the individual and an expression of someone's love for something or someone.