USA Residents
However, residents in the US may like their head office's address. Being an American company, this is also Microsoft's world headquarters. Anyone who wishes to write to Microsoft in the US, possibly for support purposes, should use the following address:
Microsoft Corporation,
One Microsoft Way,
Redmond, WA
Tel: (425) 882-8080
Fax: (425) 706-7329
Website: Http:/www.microsoft.com
UK Residents
However, for users in the UK, a different address is needed (obviously). And that address is:
Microsoft Campus,
Thames Valley Park,
RG6 1WG.
Tel: 0844 800 2400
Rest Of The World
Obviously, these aren't the only two places the Microsoft 'empire' extends to. And there are numerous offices across the world in hundreds of cities. Luckily, Microsoft has set-up a handy website where you can find your nearest Microsoft office, and continue on to the contact details therein.
That website, is... HERE! (click the link)