It's also good to keep the typing in mind. Most of Lance's pokemon are dual typed with flying. So bring an ice type like Dewgong or a water type with a high special attack stat and teach it ice beam or blizzard. I personally, used a lv 46 lapras and ripped his team apart. It knows- ice beam, surf, brine and body slam.
We already beat lance with the pokemon 2typhlosion 2lugias 2gyarados.
Well most of the pokemon to all range from 40 to about 46. Give or take a few levels. So the easyest way to beat them is to have waaaay higher levels. As for the types of pokemon you should have, its almost whet ever you want. Just train. There are 2 pokemon I recomened are umbreon and lugia for there insane defence. Ive heard that shukie has a very good defence.
I beat him once with a party of level 35~40s.
I got typhlosion(43), pidgeot40), nidoking(42), red gyarados(40), lugia(lv.45), and jolteon (lv.44)
I have lugia lv 55 typhlosion lv 67 red gyarados lv 31 EntEI lv 42 rhydon lv 42 and I can't beat him
Can I beat them with a lv 58 typhlosion lv 50 lugia lv 29 machamp
lv 31 gastrodon lv 45 steelix and a lv 27 skarmory
lv 31 gastrodon lv 45 steelix and a lv 27 skarmory
I failed against the Elite 4 once, so now I'm training them in Victory Road, and they're like this right now... Ampharos - Lv.50 - Flash, Thunder, Discharge, Signal Beam. Entei - Lv.49 - Fire Blast, Cut, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower. Feraligatr - Lv.49 - Waterfall, Whirlpool, Crunch, Avalanche. Sandslash - Lv.49 - Dig, Rollout, Strength, Shadow Claw. Dragonair - Lv.47 - Dragon Rush, Fire Blast, Draco Meteor, Surf. Staraptor - Lv.49 - Close Combat, Steel Wing, Fly, Brave Bird. I obtained the Staraptor by trading another Staraptor from Platinum and breeding it with my Ditto, then raising it from an egg. I'm going to get all my Pokemon to at least Lv.50 before challenging again, because I hear Lance has a Lv.50 Dragonite.
Well just try your best the pokemon I have are lugia lvl 50 typhlosion lvl 58 red gyardos lvl 31 swinbu lvl 21 togetic lvl 25 and electrode and I live in new york I got all the way to lance and then I lost because I lost all my pp with my pokemon so I lost and I had to do it over but I lost on lances last pokemon so keep trying
I beat them with a lv 60 typhlosion , a lv 57 lugia, a lv 20 sudowoodo, a lv 16 magikarp, a lv 24 krabby, and a lv 10 hoothoot sacraficing the last 4 to revive the fist 2
I have a typhlosion lv 63 lugia lv 61 alakazam lv 59 pidgeot lv 59 red gyarados lv 57 and dragonite lv 60.lance was no match for my pokemon especially not his dragonites or his precious lv 50 dragonite and his lv 48 charizard.
Ive beat him with 20 to 30 leveled pokemon
I haven't gotten to them yet and I re-started the game because I couldn't get to mahogany city (stupid!!! >_
I have a lugia level 50 golem level 45 sneasel level 40 entie level 38 red gyarados level 38 and a level 37 swampert. I just beat them really easily
Your pokemon must be really good
I have a level 43 Ty
I beat the Four starting with Lv. 38's and a 46 lugia. Just taught my Feraligatr ice fang and he went down like pins in a bowling alley!
I can't beat them either!!! In my party I have Quilava (lv 55), Lugia (lv 50), Kecleon (lv 38), Red Gyarados (lv 32, and Magmar (lv 17). I live in Australia. Is there any differences between say an American game to an Australian game? Can you help me 2!!!
I got typhlosion lv 62, lugia lv 60, red gyarados 31, haunter lv 42, tentacruel lv 32 and miltank lv 40 and I keep dieing on lance's last pokemon...
I'm going to do it but I always come to the last pokemon and I don't have enough hyper potion but do you think this will work
3 ty
2 croconaw
1 lugia
3 ty
2 croconaw
1 lugia