
Where Is Waterstone In Soul Silver?


6 Answers

Monica Stott Profile
Monica Stott answered
There are 3 ways you can get Waterstone in Soul Silver.

1. When you are in Cerulean City you need to find Bill's grandfather and give him a Staryu. In return he will give you a Waterstone.
2. You can buy a Waterstone at the Goldenrod city department store. They can be bought for 2100.
3. On occasions, Waterstone is given away as a prize at the Pokeatholon. The Pokeatholon is located next to the Goldenrod park. Here you can play games and earn athlete points to win a variety of prizes.

  • What is a Waterstone?

A Waterstone is a blue stone and is one of the evolutionary stones that causes Pokemon to evolve. The evolution happens instantly and and the stones can be used at any time. There are 10 evolutionary stones including the Waterstone. Other stones are the Fire Stone, Thunderstone, Leaf Stone, Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone and the Everstone. The Everstone is the only stone that cannot be bought and the others are sold for between 10,000 and 2,100.
Different stones can cause different Pokemon's to evolve. The Firestone for example causes all the Pokemon's from the Field egg group to evolve. There are 181 Pokemon in the Field Egg group and it is one of 15 egg groups. The Sun Stone causes Pokemon from the Grass Egg Group to evolve. The Dawn Stone is the only stone that causes just 2 Pokemon species to evolve and these 2 are Kirlia and Snorunt.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
At the pokeathon, if you have enough points. Or, the house at the farthest house north in Celeacon town
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Last time I checked you couldn't buy any stone at Goldenrod's Department Store!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can either get it at Pokeatholon or you can get it by an old man north of cerulean city :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In the old man's house to the north of Cerulean City.  I think you would need to show him a staryu to get one, but they may have changed that sence Pokemon Gold.  Or you could go to the Pokeathdon (if you have enough points.)  I used my water stone on an Eevee :)

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