You can ask, and they may give it up with a bit of pressure. Like here are the rules "I get the password, or I lock the pc up, change the routing in the host files". Let him know you’re concerned, and when he is ready to play fair, you will be also. HOWEVER those of you that keep saying "it's hacking, give them their space, their PRIVACY", FYI privacy well that is what you get while you’re in the bathroom and bedroom, and the bedroom has restrictions. Every parent would like to be able to trust their children, but the issue is not always with the child it’s the person at the other end of the ip address. Judge Judy says it best “you know how you can tell if your teenager is lying? Their mouth is moving”! Well as a father of 3 and being in the telecom business for the last 13 years, what you consider hacking is not what hacking is at all. There are some people on here responding, saying it's hacking, well little one (Probably a teenager) know the laws before you speak you just sound dumb, maybe try reading a text book, instead of blogging, it might help you a bit. It's not hacking if it is your pc (1) and (2a) you pay for the ISP, and (2b) the electricity bill to operate that pc. Everyone that’s on here adding in their 2 cents, unless you can pay for your own pc, power, and ISP shut up and go do your home work. Get good grades, go to college, find a career, get married, have your own kids and then and only then let’s see if your way of thinking has changed!!!!! The crap you that you think as an invasion of privacy, is really a tool for life! You have no idea what it is like or how this affects your parents. If you screw up, you parents are the responsible party, NOT YOU! Now before you respond back think about how many movies and or cd's have you copied, or the many times you have played a video game and inserted a cheat code, glitch, or hack. How many game consoles and or telephones have you modded and or used a 3rd party vendor! How about a proxy server at school because they locked you out?!?!?!?!
Now explain legal to me! Please do! If you are confused call your local police station and ask for their opinion, or your lawyer. Remember people are on these sites for help, not to get some mumbo jumbo from a teenager that is mad because your grounded and your parents took your toys away. Seriously if you want to help and I mean this in the most sincere way, open your books and study, you are the future of our nation, and I would hate to see a bunch of people in positions of power, just start throwing answers out without researching first. So the question asked can I get their password? Yes, however due to age restrictions along with the privacy act set in place by the social networking companies, by law cannot give you the password! So I say install a keystroke logger under the admin login, that way #1 they can’t disable it #2 they can’t mod the program #3 all the files are going to be saved, and they will be in a log file you chosen for it’s safe keeping ! Is it hacking well I would say NO, you are the owner of the pc, and responsible for the upkeep, payments for both the power and ISP, so you are responsible for what leaves your PC. If they find a way around it get a router and have a pc guy set it up those same logger files can be placed on there also. Then secure it with a password, and ip and Mac assigning. That will learn’em.