
How Do I Find Old Facebook Chat?


3 Answers

Natalie Harris Profile
Natalie Harris answered
Facebook has updated the way your chats within Facebook are managed - as you enter each line of your conversation in the chat box, a message (from whoever you're talking with) within your Message folder is updated with each string of your chat and is listed within the message and visible on the page as an email conversation.
Facebook has added (on your behalf) another folder to your messages folder called "Other" in which messages sent to a broad list of people (say, from a Page you like) are delivered there, leaving higher priority messages (such as chats or direct messages) from closer friends to sit within your Message folder.
Some internet browsers such as Mozilla's Firefox and Google Chrome utilise external applications, known as plugins that enable you to manage online and offline chat messages and other functions within Facebook. You should visit the plugin/add-on pages of a specific browser to find out more information.
Mac Wilson Profile
Mac Wilson answered
Absolutely, the Facebook Chat History Manager is a very good firefox extension. Using the addon you can view your chat history any time either you are online or offline. You can view, delete or if you wish you can export the chat history.
Daniel Offer Profile
Daniel Offer answered
I'm of the understanding that by "Old Facebook Chat" you mean previous Facebook Chat History.

Facebook does not make your previous Facebook Chat history accessible after a period of time. There are two ways in which you can ensure that your Facebook Chat history is automatically saved for future reference.

Facebook Messenger

By using a Facebook Messenger such as Chit Chat you can store your Chat history is stored on your computer for future reference.

Facebook Chat Manager

If you're a Firefox user there is a Facebook Chat history add on called Facebook Chat History Manager - it's a little more technical than using the Facebook Messenger mentioned above, however, it will save your Facebook Chat messages for you for future reference.

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