
How Do You Italicize On Facebook Chat?


3 Answers

Daniel Offer Profile
Daniel Offer answered
Facebook does not support Italic on Facebook Chat at the moment. You can, however, use Bold and Italic by using special codes.

By typing stars (*) before and after your message you can make your instant message go bold e.g.  *your text here*

Alternatively, by typing underline (_) before and after your message you can make your instant message underlined e.g. _your text here_

However, if you don't like the use of using codes, the Facebook Messenger Chit Chat for Facebook makes it possible for you to use Bold and Italic at a click of a button like you would in Word.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Dear sir or madam.  I pray you are mistaken regarding your position/beliefs on the absence of Facebook italicization.  Give my regards to your son.  

-Bryan Pope
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can't italicize :( you can only
*bold* and _underline_ as of right now.

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