If you find a stray dog then you could feed it bones or meat and it will follow you for a while but if you run too fast it will stop following you. If you die then it won't spawn back with you. Its the closest thing I know of.
You have to be a member, sorry
I am very sorry to say but their is no way you can get a pet without being member. Try talking on the forums and see if Jagex would let that happen :]
Me 2 this suck s like dick
Oh my god there is no way. You'd have2 either be member or hack. I know I am member
You can't get a pet sorry I have been looking for 1 whole day but could not find 1
If you did the halloween 2009 event you wil have eek the spider as a 'pet' but he doesnt really do anything.
In a quest for a witch you get a newt and if you don't let whitch use it you can keep it as a pet like I did
but that all soz mate
but that all soz mate
There is no way even if you are a member when you go to the shop of pets it said no member
Don't listen to those who say you can't get a pet. Lately in the new events you can get a pet like the newt (last halloween event) or the squirrels (last easter event)
Sorry brett you have to be a member
Thats stupid if you can't get a pet for free!!