Excitingly there is controversy in deciding on which class to choose in World of War craft as numerous ones are said to be the best. Rogue, Druid and Paladin are three very popular classes that many people argue are the best. However others see long-term benefits in choosing the Priest class as they can heal and see it as important on levels where you receive more damage than at the start. Classes like the Druid class is seen as a great all rounder but like most all rounder's, is not specific enough to be good in all areas. It really depends on what sort of player you are and which way you like to play the game. Each character or class has its own different characteristics and bonuses and weaknesses. Like anything it depends on how you utilise these strengths and defend the weaknesses that counts. It is a case of personal preference really and can't be defined. Although trawling through the net will mean you will come up with a lot of different decisions on what is best. If you like attacking then classes like Druid and Warrior are better, for stealth Rogue is a good class and for healing Priest. It is a personal decision based on how well you can do and how much you enjoy a certain class.
It depends on preferences as always. If you like pvp you'll want a hunter, rogue, shaman, or warlock. Given that you're geared and spec'd properly. They each have skills that give an advantage over other classes. If you tend to tank you'll want the paladin. Plain and simple. Warrior's are supposed to be the tanks but they just can't compare to a paladin what with it's innumerable skills to keep himself and his party alive. If you like aoe you better like having friends because the best aoe classes (Mages, and Warlocks) have petty armor and though the Warlock has a VW, one VW can't keep all agro off you're insane damage. If healing is your thing you can choose Druid, Priest, and Shaman. Honorable mentions to Paladins but if you're in a party and you're a paladin, you'll most likely be the tank.
The thing about wow is you'll find something valuable in every class that will make you say "This is totally the best class." And then you'll play another class and your opinion will be swayed. I guarantee it. It's all about preference and knowledge. I used to think shaman was a completely useless class until I took the time to level mine and noticed how powerful one can be. As long as you spec and gear yourself accordingly, which goes for every class.
So long story short, just take some time away from raiding and try out a class you would swear against. You could be surprised at how much you like it.
My personal preference: Marksman Hunter, Holy Paladin
Dk are the best cause if you get them just right you can destory any one if its dps to tanking to just pvp there the most fun class they got a story line that makes the game even better and pallys have someone who can kill them now if you get the dk right you will be the best
I have been playing wow for 2+ Years (and have 2 80s atm) Druid - healing 10/10, feral dps/tank 6/10, balance 8/10 Deathknight - tanking 10/10, dps (anyspec) 8/10 Rogue - Pvp 9/10, pve 9/10 Hunter - Pvp 10/10, pve 9/10 Mage/Warlock - pvp 8/10, pve 10/10 Paladin - Pvp (all 3 specs) 10/10, pve 10/10, over played 10/10 Shaman - Pvp 7/10, Dps 7/10, Healing 9/10 Priest - Pvp 10/10, Healing 10/10, Dps 9/10 (if good gear, 10/10) Warrior - Pvp 10/10, Dps 8/10, Tanking 7/10
People say feral is pro because cat dps is so good and bear tanking is cool. Heres the real facts. The dps rotation requires 2 addons and is very confusing. Tanking is a pain because its like saying "I got lots of health good for me", and same with feral dps, can be confusing.
The rest of the classes rank high.
Out of true opinion. Priest, hunter, death knight, and Paladin are the best.
I would say paladin because they can do all three dps heal and tank although not at the same time so I would say hunter if they are at range when they Begin attacking as they have slow down spells traps and pets and more spells like jump back :P dks are good and warlocks spells are overpowered for what they are
Wow wanted to make different types of classes so they made a pally, but the pally was just like the worrier so they gave it heals they made the pally heals to heal a lot more then they should heal and they gave em lay on hands which restores 200% of health and some mana to any target and now with the new patches the pally is getting better and better lay on hands is a 10 min cooldown when it should be 20, pallies aint so exciting as the mages are with their cool moves and stuff but they get funner to play with at higher lvs when your pwning noobs,pallies can also bubble as long as 12 secs :O they haf the best stats in the game. So id choose a human pally if I were you
At the moment paladin are the best class. They have so many buffs, shields and heals you don't stand a chance against them. Even when they are about to die they can use lay on hands which restores all their health!
Paladins all the way. Ive worked with palidans my whole WoW time and ive got 2 lvl 80 paladins and now I'm working to get my lvl75 palidan up there too. Honestly I also like the mage class and druid class for there AOE(area of effect) spells, but palidan can where mail at the start and get plate at lvl 40. Even if its a healer it can still have a crap ton of armor and still have a lot of mana. And if you want a tank at a high level... PALLY TANK... Thats all I have to say on that subject.
I reckon Paladin or Druid as to heir buffs and can tank, damage or healer. THEY ARE SO THE BEST ALL ROUNDERS!!! Me I prefer Paladin because if their armor and it is super fun to tank as a paladin. Alex :)
Pallys are true domination in wow, If your looking to be a healer be Holy, if you want to excel in BG and Raids go Retribution, and if you like Tanking go Protection. Druids are also an amazing class for PvP
I believe Druid is because they can become a resto healer a feral tank or a balance Dps those are some of the best things you can also be in form like the cat is a rogue and bear is a warrior and tree of life is a Priest healer and boom kin is totally Dps mage
Well it is either a shaman or a paladin I have been in a large amount of battlegrounds and have been involved in many world pvp situations and paladins and shamans seem to be the ones to watch paladins have a huge survivability rate especially holy...and shamans who ever said they wasnt so good at dps :O what the heck like I have said they do hugh amounts of damage most I have seen hitted by a shaman was 25k! 25k ffs
Well duh warriors at level 21 with a two hand axe I was doing 210 at least but they depended a Little to much on rage and trolls have that rage so be a troll warrior or if you don't like trolls be an orc warrior and the best of all a tauren because you get war stomp and you can tank in PvP
I think that all classes are pretty good. Protection warriors do massive damage. Blood death knights do awesome damage they use blood strike or if they are frost they are pretty good tanks. Fire mages are pretty good dps do massive damage the only bummer about mages is that they have to wear cloth. Rogues do awesome dps but they can only wear leather which is not that good. Paladins are good as dps the best I thinknd they can heal themselves and have sheilds. Druids are good as tanks, dps, and healing. Priests are good at healing and are good at dps. Warlocks do massive damage but also wear cloth like the mage. Hunter are good at dps especially if they are marksmanship.Shaman are good healers and dpsers they are good when you go elemental for ranged or you could go hand-to-hand combat with enhancement.
I think that a shammy is the best they have windfurry and I will do about 8 k in 0ne hit at lvl 73 so yah they rape balance druids are so good at pvp allso but they do crappy dps so if your a dps junkie go for the shammy but if you like to pvp a lot go for the druid
Warlock is the easy choice. Plain and simple. PvE. Massive dps and when using VW it doesnt really matter bout your hits. You could have 5-7k health use you VW as a tank and when in trouble use sacrafice which allows you to have a shadow sheild. This shows that they are better dps then priests and can sheild them self un like priests that can't do it when in shadow form. And same dps then mages but can take more hits and the minion if chosen well can aid in destorying and caster/tank/or dps
Well every class in the world of warcrafts has strengths and weaknesses. It is now up to you to choose which you like the best. Like in Warrior class, the strength is that you can wear mail from the start and plate at level 40 and weakness is that it depends on rage too much. For complete details of every class, click here
I believe the best class is a Troll hunter because trolls come with rage and they live near a shit ton of extremely power full pets. Were as night elves and other Alliance don't have a good range of pets in my opinion.So any horde hunters already have that home field advantage.
I think warlocks are the best, they do massive damage and there fun to play as. You get minions to help fight and everything but they mostly only cast spells that kills the target over time. And yeah warlocks can only use cloth
I have just made a Warrior and he is hitting 125 (as a critical) they do so much dmg and you don't need to worry about manna. If you are trying to find a fun and reliable class go Orc Warrior.
I don't know I was pulling to a pally, but then I thought'there going to get nerfed soon. So I think I'm pulling for the shammy they have good dps and can wear mail.Also they very good health,and heals so I'm pulling towards the shammy.
Well, It all depends if you want to make an alience or a horde.... I have a 78 Blood Elf Paladin and a 80 DK..... I really love paladins but alience sucks so your only choice is a blood elf paladin if you want to have a really good account.
I will give you three reasons why you should make a paladin.
1.) They have the most buffs and they have really good heals! 2.) You don't really have to worry about mana and you also have seals which can help you by.. Just exaple for seal..... Seal of Light restores 70 health every 2 hits that you hit on an enemy.... How epic is that!
3.) And the third and final reason is that Paladins have amazing amounts of gear to choose from and when geared properly they are very good fighter when it comes to 1 shots.
I'm probably getting to the stage now where your thinking, This is boring or why am I reading this far.... But if you really want to know how to have a good toon make a pally!
Aw man you noobs you want me tell you dude lol well the bext class is orc hunter one not mmuch people so lvl up fast and thier monsters are 2timnes more powerful then are monsters plus you can find easier elite monster s to tame just carry a pally or a druid with you cause elite mosters pack damagE!!!!! Or if you hate hunters the next 2 are druids andwarlocks because every pvp I do agaisnt other people with my warlock they don ttouch meand when they do touch me I faer them then use life drain oor blood drain for my minion pus there heart stone druids is because they can change lol and heal so there like pallies but better and they buff not as much but still buuf but the bext is ouuta of warlock or uhnter plus warlock get over 5 minions one is a storng minion you got tto win by beating a big bad strob boss lol