
What Is Project Network? Can Anyone Explain Characteristics Of Project Network?


1 Answers

Amen Bukhari Profile
Amen Bukhari answered
Project Network is the diagrammatic representation of interconnected activities in project. Activities in a project network are either successor or predecessor activities. Project Network is also known as Precedence Diagram. Project Networks are composed of Nodes and arcs. Time sequenced from Left to Right. All activities except start and finish time must have at least one predecessor and one successor. Project Network has two types to represent the network diagram; Activity on the Arrow (AOA), Activity on the Node (AON). In Activity on the Arrow (AOA), activities are representing on the arcs.

This method is now totally obsolete. In Activity on the Node (AON), each activity is represented as node and arcs represent the relationship between the nodes. Project Network has different characteristics; Critical Path, Near Critical Paths, Float, Total Float and Free Float. Critical path is the longest path in term of activity duration through the network. Near Critical Paths may become critical due to lack of experience and estimation errors. Free Float is the amount of delay that can be accommodated in an activity's start a time without affecting the successor activity. Total Float is the amount of delay that can be accommodated in an activity's finish time without affecting the project completion date.

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