I don't think any other answers are usefull, at least they arn't to me. I was looking for ages for chat rooms and these where all the same sort of thing. Wolfhome by chatlands is good if you like wolves, you have several diferent "poses", or actions, and can choose on a free acount to be either a wolf or a jackel. There is also cats paw island, exept with cats and lions/lionesses/tigers/white tigers. Then there is eclipse, which I think is great because on a free acount you can be a wolf or a "ferrec", (if you don't know what one is google search images of them hehe.) but other than that is almost the same as wolfhome, but for older kids although there are rooms that re sutable for all ages.
Sorry its so long but hope it helps. :)
Sorry its so long but hope it helps. :)