An analog computer is best described as a machine that can deal with a tremendous amount of mathematical calculations and can also handle infinite fraction values. An analog computer can also handle a range of tasks which can be done at the same time. Physical materials that this computer can deal with include measurements such as voltage, temperature and speed.
An analog computer can even deal with irrational numbers and can understand and translate numbers that have a number of infinite endings including pi. However as far as a digital computer is concerned, it can only handle one task unlike an analog computer and is constructed using a careful binary code which has only two numbers - 0 and 1.
These types of computers can also be classified as general computers which we see the likes of today and can store files, date and numerous reports.
The hybrid computer is generally described as taking the best bits from both the analog and digital computers. You will find hybrid computers in places where it needs special technical use such as hospitals.
Hybrid computers also handle equations just as easily as an analog computer. A hybrid computer also makes it possible to obtain faster solutions to equations.
This is because it is much more detailed and combines the speedy, efficient results of an analog computer together with a digital device that offers exact responses.
Yet you will be hard pressed to find any hybrid computers in existence and they are notoriously hard to get hold of.