
How Do I Send Messages To My Friends On XBox Live When I'm Away From The Console Itself?


1 Answers

Mark Westbrook Profile
Mark Westbrook answered
When your registered your XBox Live membership, you got a hotmail account and a password.  Find these if you have them and head for here you can login to your XBox Live Membership account.  There is a messages section where you can send and receive your text messages, but you can't listen to voice messages ( I don't know why not, it's not like they don't have the technology at Microsoft/XBox, I find it a bit lazy of them in fact!)  This site can be contacted through a computer or a mobile phone internet.

If you think you have lost them but can remember the account name (it's usually your, then go to the hotmail site and try to login and when it fails, click forgotten password and let's see if you can get in that way instead.

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