
How Can I Get An On-screen Keyboard On My Computer?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To use your on screen keyboard, click on start button. After that hover your mouse over the All Programs link, a sub menu will open up. On this sub menu, hover your mouse over the Accessories link. From the Accessories link, hover your mouse over the Accessibility link. In the small sub menu, you will find an option by the name of On Screen Keyboard. Click the on Screen Keyboard link to access your on screen keyboard.

While using your on screen keyboard, you must realize that it provides minimal functionality.

You can also access your on-screen keyboard through Control Pane. Click on start button, and from the menu click on Control Panel link. A new window by the name of Pick a Category will open up. On this click on the Accessibility options link or icon. On the right hand side of the newly opened window, you will find the option On Screen keyboard. Click on that to access your on screen keyboard. You can also access the magnifier feature by following the same path as to the on-screen keyboard. These features are provided by Microsoft to help partially disabled people to help use the system. However they may not be fully supportive and you can have some more information from Microsoft's website.
Louise Gorman Profile
Louise Gorman answered
There are a number of ways of accessing an on-screen keyboard. Click on 'Start', then 'Control Panel'. From here, click on 'Accessibility Options'. On the next screen, click on 'On-screen Keyboard' on the left. This should bring up a keyboard where you simply click the keys on-screen to type.

There is a in-depth explanation of the on-screen keyboard in the 'Help and Support section' when you click on 'Start'. When in the 'Help and Support' section, click on 'Accessibility' to view information on different features on your computer, including the on-screen keyboard.

You can alter the settings of the on-screen keyboard by clicking on 'Settings' when the on-screen keyboard called up. To alter the layout of the on-screen keyboard, click on 'Keyboard' which is located next to the 'Settings' option.

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