With a free account you can only access regular chat-lobbies. When you upgrade, to one of either the Silver, Gold or VIP membership accounts, you can you view other's profiles and benefit from other feature such as email, blogging, webzine, webcams and private chat rooms.
The Silver account is $20 per month, Gold $30 but VIP prices are difficult to ascertain without becoming a member. You will find that many dating sites are free to join but adultfinder.com charges for membership for the accounts with more access because it claims to be the largest site of its kind and offers more services to its users.
The site has also been criticized for falsely advertising larger numbers of online users. Some suspect that this was due to lack of closure of old and unused accounts. Some have even suggested that accounts were sending out automated responses to active users in a bid to retain interest. Also, the site seems to market itself as purely a sex based enterprise rather than a place to meet a life time partner. Other sites such as match.com and be2 seem to advertise and market themselves more on their success stories; as examples and proof that their approach works.
You will find many different online dating sites and equally as many reviews on which sites offer the best results. Despite these criticisms adultfinder.com does still have the largest worldwide membership and does still boast a variety of chat rooms and features that enable you to connect to people in your local areas whilst at the same time making it easy to select your preferences within a relationship and various other variables dependant on your orientation. For further details on pricing and conditions of use see the website at adultfinder.com.
- How much membership costs
The Silver account is $20 per month, Gold $30 but VIP prices are difficult to ascertain without becoming a member. You will find that many dating sites are free to join but adultfinder.com charges for membership for the accounts with more access because it claims to be the largest site of its kind and offers more services to its users.
The site has also been criticized for falsely advertising larger numbers of online users. Some suspect that this was due to lack of closure of old and unused accounts. Some have even suggested that accounts were sending out automated responses to active users in a bid to retain interest. Also, the site seems to market itself as purely a sex based enterprise rather than a place to meet a life time partner. Other sites such as match.com and be2 seem to advertise and market themselves more on their success stories; as examples and proof that their approach works.
- Alternatives to this service
You will find many different online dating sites and equally as many reviews on which sites offer the best results. Despite these criticisms adultfinder.com does still have the largest worldwide membership and does still boast a variety of chat rooms and features that enable you to connect to people in your local areas whilst at the same time making it easy to select your preferences within a relationship and various other variables dependant on your orientation. For further details on pricing and conditions of use see the website at adultfinder.com.