If your looking for the 2 dog pokemon, then go catch a gastly lv 20.He should know mean look.If you don't know where to get a gastly go to bellspourt tower a NIGHT time. Hope this helped!
Gastly learns it around level 8 but if you change pokemon it can still run away so be aware of that.
Train a gastly until you get mean look.
A golbat!!!
Ghastly is the most common. If you are trying to find entei and riaku you should just get an ar
I chose gastly, but for the ledgendary dogs they know roar and run away again
You have to go to vermilion city.when you get the poke flute wake the snorlax up.his moves will be block.that moves lets you not escape.
Or try caching a diglett with arena diglett but it will not work on latios oh and good luck and keep trying
Diglites can do it but don't let it evolve or they lose their ability
What you need to do is get a pokemon that knows: Mean Look, Taunt so it can't use roar, Hypnosis and false swipe such as gallade.
Okay if they were going to cheat I doubt they would cheat to get all tms to catch the legendary dogs they would probably cheat to get master balls so they wouldn't have to worry, unless they wanted a challenge then they might get the tms so they could get mean look that way
I know gangar knows it, But holy crap don't give it to the god damned day care lady she wont let it evolve and when your gastly or haunter learns it, she will just teach it a move to make mean look gone. So evolve it urself!
Only works if you have an action replay get a wabbafet teach it false swipes and battle it can't run away because of shadow tag same will work with a snorelax
yours, truley
yours, truley
Catch a jynx at level 20-30 at mt.?. Sorry I for got the location
I have a Gengar and It knows mean look. But if you do that it can still use Roar to scare you away, and you can't stop that.
So I reccomend putting it to sleep first, with hypnosis.
So I reccomend putting it to sleep first, with hypnosis.
I can't seem to get a pokemon who knows mean look so I can catch the entei
Gengar also know it but I don't know what level
Get cheats so you can have 999 tms containing mean look tada!!!