Use of internet in different fields?


1 Answers

Iris Phillips Profile
Iris Phillips answered
The Internet has revolutionized a whole range of fields and applications with a myriad of possible uses. To list them all could possibly fill pages. Here are therefore just a few of the main uses of the Internet in different fields.

  • Business
Within the field of business, the Internet has opened up a broad range of uses, from world wide advertising, the undertaking of transactions and making payments to Internet banking, etc. Business communications also benefit through e-mail, direct access to companies via websites, chat based customer service facilities and online conferencing.

  • Training and Information
Apart from a vast range of online study facilities, the Internet also presents an unlimited resource for study related research conducted by students of every imaginable and unimaginable subject. It allows access to resources and communication with distant tutors. As a matter of fact, anyone requiring any kind of information is likely to be able to find and access the necessary resources via the Internet.

  • Communication
The Internet makes it possible to stay in touch and communicate with friends and family around the world via e-mail, social networks and chat facilities. Commerce and education equally benefit from some or all of these facilities.

  • Leisure
Whether an individual's favorite pastime involves music, movies or games, it can be easily accessed via the Internet. Travel destinations, information and arrangements, arts, crafts, hobbies and any related information are equally easy to access.

  • Shopping
From appliances and books to clothing, groceries and gadgets; from insurance services to software, in short anything the heart desires can be found and purchased via the Internet.

  • To Put it in a Nutshell
As previously stated, the Internet has a vast range of both commercial and personal applications. The one thing it does not do is make a nice cup of tea.

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