How Can I View Protected Twitter Accounts?


2 Answers

Gemma Wyer Profile
Gemma Wyer answered
The only way to view a protected Twitter account is to become an approved follower of the person the account belongs to.

What is a protected Twitter account?

When you sign up to Twitter, you have the option to have a public or private account. 

The default setting is public, so if you want to keep your tweets private you will have to select the 'protect your tweets' option in account settings.

  • Protected tweets can only be viewed by people on your approved followers list.
  • Public tweets are visible to anyone, even if they don't have a Twitter account themselves.
If you protect your tweets, people will have to request to follow you.  By approving or denying each follower request, you can limit who has access to your tweets.

Once you have opted for a protected account, other Twitter users won't be able to retweet you. 

It will also mean that if you @reply a user who doesn't follow you, they won't be able to view your reply (this is because you won't have given them permission to view your tweets). 

Protected view tweets will not appear in Google or Twitter searches.

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