Just went through the same thing with my daughter's phone. Press the key that has FN on it. This seems to control the silent mode on her phone.
In order to turn off silent mode, press and hold the Fn button. Found on the bottom left side of the keyboard
Heey I have a sumsung link and it was stuck on silence too but press the fn button and hold it,it should turn it off.
Oh my god!! Thank you that totally worked! I tried all the other ones but it didnt work, but thank you so much, that was my alarm and I kept waking up late, THANK YOU
Thank you so much!!!!! I couldn't get the silent mode to turn off on my phone, but you just solved my problem!!! Even the techs didn't know how to fix it lol Thanks again!!
Press and hold fn button or look in your manual if that doesn't work
I was getting so frustrated with this!!! Thanks so much, it worked. Now I can hear my phone ring in my purse.
Oh my god I had the same problem! Tanks so much! I was afraid I wouldn't be able to set my alarm for school tomorrow :P
Hi...how do I put web on my samsung sch-r180...the phone works but I need the codes for to get in to the web