
How To Make Animals Through Texting?


16 Answers

Matthew Crist Profile
Matthew Crist answered
To make animals through texting it is a matter of utilising the symbols on your phone in certain ways and being able to picture what the animal would look like. With proper practice, just about any animal can be created using symbols along with any letters or numbers that are needed.

There are several different animals that are commonly used and are easy to make through texting. One of these is a rabbit. To make a rabbit first open a bracket then place a back slash, two underscores and a forward slash before closing the bracket. Then go to the next line and use the space button until you are below the last set of characters you typed. Again open a bracket, then type equals signs, a  ' followed by a full stop and another ' and equals sign before closing the bracket. Now move to the next line and again go below the last set of characters and open a bracket. Place a speech mark then close the bracket and type two underscores before again opening a bracket and doing what you just did this should form a rabbit like below.

(= '.' =)

Another animal which can be easily made is a cat. To do this you must open a bracket type an equals sign, a caret one underscore followed by another caret and equals sign, then close the bracket. This should make a cat as shown below.


There are lots of other animals that can be made using texting such as elephants, ducks and dogs. It really just depends on the imagination of the person texting the animals.  However it is always useful to think will the person I’m sending the text to be able to see the animal, as phones have different displays and one animal created on one phone can just look like a muddle of symbols on another.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

A shark attack!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
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a horse!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
()() yeah its a cute lil bunny
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Some of these work and some are just bad and don't make sense...bunnys and owls rock

Answer Question
