Abra, Kadabra and Alakazam are three featured Pokémon characters within the franchise by Nintendo and Game freak. They are considered to be one species of Pokémon that turn into the next through evolution. In context: Abra turns into Kadabra through evolution, and then Kadabra turns into Alakazam.
They were first featured in the games; Pokémon red and Pokémon blue, the European and American releases of the original pocket monsters red and green as it was in Japan. They also feature in many of the later editions of the games as well as other media associated with the franchise, such as the television series and in printed adaptations.
The Pokémon each have certain personalities and attributes associated with them. They are considered to be of psychic type and posses such associated "mind powers". Abra is able to sense danger through its ability to read minds, and so teleports in order to stay safe. It spends 18 hours a day sleeping via self-hypnosis, as it cannot utilize its powers and abilities until it is fully rested. When Abra then evolves into Kadabra, the need to sleep so often ceases. It starts to release alpha waves that are in turn affected by the Pokémon's current mental state. Such waves trigger headaches in people that are close by and cause machines to malfunction. Alakazam is the final evolved stage of the Pokémon species. It is considered to have mastered all forms of psychic ability and has an IQ of around 5000. It can outperform a super computer and is able to remember everything. The species of Pokémon have brains that continue to grow throughout their whole lifetime. This allows such mental abilities to be performed by the Pokémon, however during the final stage of the Pokémon's evolution the brain grows to such a point that Alakazam then dies a very painful death.
Similar to most other Pokémon within the games, Abra evolves into Kadabra once it has reached a certain level gained from experience in Pokémon battles. Evolving Kadabra into Alakazam works differently, however and is done by trading the Pokémon with another player. Trading is done by connecting the game system to another via a link cable, and both players visiting the trading section apparent within Pokémon centers. The best way to obtain an Alakazam is by trading a different Pokémon for a Kadabra (as it would evolve into an Alakazam once traded) or by trading a Kadabra for a different Pokémon with a trusted player, and then trading back once it has evolved into an Alakazam.
They were first featured in the games; Pokémon red and Pokémon blue, the European and American releases of the original pocket monsters red and green as it was in Japan. They also feature in many of the later editions of the games as well as other media associated with the franchise, such as the television series and in printed adaptations.
The Pokémon each have certain personalities and attributes associated with them. They are considered to be of psychic type and posses such associated "mind powers". Abra is able to sense danger through its ability to read minds, and so teleports in order to stay safe. It spends 18 hours a day sleeping via self-hypnosis, as it cannot utilize its powers and abilities until it is fully rested. When Abra then evolves into Kadabra, the need to sleep so often ceases. It starts to release alpha waves that are in turn affected by the Pokémon's current mental state. Such waves trigger headaches in people that are close by and cause machines to malfunction. Alakazam is the final evolved stage of the Pokémon species. It is considered to have mastered all forms of psychic ability and has an IQ of around 5000. It can outperform a super computer and is able to remember everything. The species of Pokémon have brains that continue to grow throughout their whole lifetime. This allows such mental abilities to be performed by the Pokémon, however during the final stage of the Pokémon's evolution the brain grows to such a point that Alakazam then dies a very painful death.
Similar to most other Pokémon within the games, Abra evolves into Kadabra once it has reached a certain level gained from experience in Pokémon battles. Evolving Kadabra into Alakazam works differently, however and is done by trading the Pokémon with another player. Trading is done by connecting the game system to another via a link cable, and both players visiting the trading section apparent within Pokémon centers. The best way to obtain an Alakazam is by trading a different Pokémon for a Kadabra (as it would evolve into an Alakazam once traded) or by trading a Kadabra for a different Pokémon with a trusted player, and then trading back once it has evolved into an Alakazam.