How To Evolve A Evee In Pokemon Platinum Into Espeon Or Umbreon?


18 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Espeon: You have to make Eevee to full happiness by the daytime.
Umbreon: You have to make Eevee to full happiness by nighttime.
To get them happy: Raise their sheen by giving them poffins / Train them without exp. Share / Walk around with it while doing these other things
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
For it to be espeon then train it a little before 8:00 in the morning. For umbreon, after 8:00 at night
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ok,first You'll need Eevee in your party,
for it to be Espeon Train it from 4 a.m. To 8 p.m
for it to be Umbreon Train it from 8:01 p.m. To 3:59 a.m
don't let it faint in a battle,and also use items on it. Like Zinc,Protein,Carbos, etc
the friendship of Eevee has to max out in the day for it to be Espeon,and max out in the night for it to be espeon :)

*~Lupita~*, Hope I helped :D
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know how to get umbreon or espeon so I came here but I know how to get others  glacion you go to the ice rock just out of snow point lefeon you go and level up at eterna forest by moss rock jolteon you use thunder stone flareon you use fire stone and last but not least you use water stone on eevee ok hope I helped (p.s. I have rares like pheonay my friend code is "5328 2449 7065 name is jon  ok thanks)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think you evolve it with the never melting ice and than use a rare candy on an evee...... I think.....DON'T BLAME ME IF I'M WORNG PEOPLE.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Se vuoi far evolvere eevee in espeon devi allenarlo di giorno finche esso  non diventa tuo amico in umbreon la stessa cosa ma di notte. Per aumentare il livello di amicizia, dagli molte bacche o poffin, dopodiche non farlo mai perdere e dagli tanti strumenti (ferro carburante ...)
Spero di esserti stata utile ciao!!!

If you want to an umbreon, use it on the nighttime, for espeon use it on the daytime.
It trasform when it's very friend with you.
Hi !!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Get all the ribbons and take them to the islands to the top right of your map on that island to the lower right region is the lodge that only allows people with all ribbons into it take a evee into there give it a massage during the day for a espeon and the same during the night for umbreon
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I used action replay and I went to the league. The Fourth person, Lucien, has one so I just caught it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Wrong!!!for umbreon you have to give an eevee a soothe bell then a massage then level it up from 9pm-4am.espeon...I don't know
Super man Profile
Super man answered
With eevee's happiness at full when you level up during the day you get espeon and when you level up during the night you get an umbreon. .
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Is there supposed to be a certain lvl that evee has to be to evolve evee into umbreon?

(My friend code is: 3739 3665 2456 PLZ PLZ PLz add me!!)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I tried to evolve my eevee to espeon I got it at level 5 and I trianed it nonstop to level 31 at day and it hasnt evolve yet what am I doing wrong
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
He must have high happiness and be leveled up in some place in pokemon pear/diamond/platinum
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Eevee dosen't evolve into glaceon only  shiny eevee be sucsessful
with your tries you can go to best buys or toys r us to get a action replay
codes device and get codes off the internet hope I helped

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