Getting unbanned from a Meez account is a popular question and there are many offered solutions on the Internet. Many users find their account banned without reason or any clue why they have suddenly been banned from the Meez world. However, it should be remembered that many bans have a limit on them. If your ban has an expiration date note that it will be unbanned on the exact time that it was initially banned, so if you were banned at 3pm then your ban will be removed at 3pm on the date the ban expires. Officially, on the Meez website, people are directed to contact angiemeez at for more information about their ban or the possibility of having it removed. You may also want to contact Be sure to include your username and the reason for your ban if you were informed of the reason. This has worked for some users and could mean getting your account unbanned. Unofficially, there appears to be pirate programs that offer to unblock your Meez account for free. Be suspicious of any offer that requires you to hand over your username and password, however, as they may be attempting to hack your account instead. Some users report that simply pressing the esc key after trying to log in could go around the block, but it doesn’t work for other users. Others suggest opening a new Meez account and inserting your same character name and details when you reach that stage in the sign up process. Unfortunately, there is not yet a reliable pirate or underground system of accessing a Meez account once it has been blocked, although you may wish to try a variety of the options mentioned here should official channels fail to unban your account.
I have never been banned. Until now..I somehow got banned. I don't know why and I spent a lot of money on meez. Stupid Roscoe won't help.. I want to sue meez for stealing money from me. I'm giving them money by purchasing stuff and they BAN FOREVER for no apparent reason. I keep telling Roscoe why I got banned. But he always ignores my question and says "HE can't DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT" I've learned my lesson..don't waste money on STUPID sites like MEEZ.COM.
1. Go to help 2. Click "Why is my Meez banned?" 3. Click on the forum. 4. Click "My question isn't on this forum." 5. Fill that out. Or lie about it... 6. Hope to god they unban your account.
For meezes banned for life wait 6 months and like 3 days then you should get your meez back because this happened to all my friends who were banned for life and now I'm waiting to see if it will work for me and on meez life is only 6 months lol. But meez think wont nobody come back to get there meez smfh. But I was banned and I was supposed ot get my meez back jan.11 and I went to check it and it says I'm banned for life like how am I supposed to do something and I'm banned and I had almsot all the cash items and I had vip for 10 months straight and they all of a sudden decided to bann me for life.
Log into a friends account on meez, go to angiemeez's profile, send her a pm, one should say 'send a ban appeal', fill out the form. And in about 5 days you should get a response
It is so easy 2 get it back if you need h3lp leave me a m33ssage a have 4 m33z you can get in contact with #1tytianasexy #2melly__9 #3 melly_9 #4 tytianasexy1 thank bye!!
I'm Banned For As well -.-" And It Says I'm Under Age But I'm An 18 Yr Old Teen Girl This Is B.s.! I Think Maybe Because When I Was In Uptown Street A Girl Said She Was 12.!!! But I Get Banned For It.!?!?! I'm Super-Pissed.!?! -.-" All I Said Was _She 12_ Keywords:She & 12 She Not Me. She's 12.! I'm Banned For Life For Her.=[
Someone hacked me an got me banned but DUMB,UGLY,Roscoe "Ignored" me like im lying. Why do i have to lie for?? Because meez was acting dumb an every time i pushed log out it didnt log out LIKE...WDF I tried about 19 times but it didnt log out..but since it's 2013 an everything is UPDATED try MEEZ UNBAN DOWNLOAD 2013 It works but if you don't know how to do it look it up on youtube NOW ME AND MY BOYFRIEND UNBAN :) (:
I got banned for 6 days. I mean they had a reason, but I really miss my acc. I tried logging on today bc i thought i was getting unbanned. It turns out i'm getting my acc back in 12 hours. What the actual brick!
For me, it says my account is banned for life and cannot be re-activated. I tried the MySpace thing, nothing worked. All it said was that I can't login on that account. I also sent a message to Roscoe and when I filled everything, I clicked submit, and then it said: ''Sorry, this account is closed and cannot be reactivated''.
One way to do it is bye going onto and if you have an account log in if not make one,after you do type in the meez username and password this may or may not work if it does you have to know that you have to stay were you got banned from the start .No you can't change clothes or anything else if you try to leave then you will be disconnected or your account might be deleted.Anyway,theres I answered your question.Wish you good luck
I have an account I got banned with no expiry date, it didnt let me register a new one either, I turned my computer of, un hooked the inter net then re did those and Bam! I made a new one :) hope it works for you
Okay I don't get this it says I was under 13 but serious ley I'm 14!!! Like oh my god and I just got vip jeez and I know away you can get on your meez if you got a myspace just easily add the app and Ada but the bad thing is you can't change your outfit!! I'm stuck in a Caz body!
I tried the myspace thing... It didnt work... My meez is banned for life I spent like 2 years making money on that account... It sux I even sent them a ban appeal... Meez is retarded and its literally impossible to unban your accounts so make a new one! And if its banned again make another new one...
Step 1: Download the Vicro program. It is a program that can get you unbanned from any website or virtual program such as IMVU, KANEVA, CLUB PENGUIN, etc. Link --> don't worry just because it has NET after it does not mean it's a VIRUS!
Step 2: Open the program. In the search bar up top, type in: MeezUnban1475. There is only two search results. One is,
The other, which is the one you want is:
Click that. Wait for it to process, and within 20 minutes log back into your banned account. You'll be back on track!
Ive Been Banned For Life Too, And I Tried To Fake I Didnt Do What I Did But My New Account Was Banned For Life Because Of Ban Evasion. I Had VIP, And Covered Eyes And I'm Really Annoyed. I Need To Get It Unbanned, See For yourself.
I thought I told y'all I'm a star and you see that ice and you see my car. But anyways you can't Get un-banned UNLESS you ask lucy or some other people :D
I'm banned as well it says I offered someone vip or coins now why on earth would I do that I have never said such things please tell me how to get unbanned
You log onto the banned account and then in the top corner it'll say my account and you click on it and change some things and then you log off and when you log on again you wont be banned. But you have to wait like 10 mins before you log back on
Ive done this before, and I told my friend it it worked for him. I was temporarly banned and meez had some kind of glitch with the website. I hover my mouse over log in (so its there when I refresh) type all the information and it will lead you to the "youre banned until this date page". Press f5 and click the login (your mouse should be hovering there already) and keep doing it until it works. Sometimes it doesnt work, sometimes it does
Temporarily: Email roscoe saying your sorry and you wont do it again and that you know you didnt do it. And that you have a relative dying in the hospital and you want to show him your meez. He will email back saying he's sorry about your relative and that he will unbann you account Worked for me ((: For life: Email roscoe saying you are sorry for doing whatever you did and that you didnt do it. And that you tell your friends its a good website
I don't no, I think I got hacked because when I log in ( I typed everything right) it says Sorry, either the password or user name you entered is incorrect. Please try again. I NEED HELP FAST!
No mines isn't hacked because mines is only banned till july 7th so I can't wait for sum reason I just got banned I didnt do anything wrong sometimes meez could be dumb
Well really there is no answer 2 that but I think you can try sending a email to angie meez and shell figure it out 4 yew add me my username calistara321 I'm banned rite at this moment but add me at 9:20
I'm banded its annoying you can go on myspace to go on banded accounts but you can't change your clothe but you have your moves and everything try that lean on youtube its easy
How many times do you have to get banned to be banned forever? Plz help me because I have been banned 3 times and ppl say is you get banned 4 times you get banned forever plz help someone... I spent so much money on that meez
Yo if you hacked nd its nd you can't get into yo password go 2 forgot password den type n yo email address. Den go 2 your email address nd it shows yo password
You might just have to wait unitl the ban expires. Other than that, there is not a way, unless you write the meez falcuity explaining why you should be expired. Hoep I helped..
Ugh! :P my meez (meranda104)got banned fer life ..... I was popular n everything.. Lmao ....but this girl pist me off n I sed shut the fhuck up before I kick your ass n she wasnt even offended! T. T she just kept on argueing with me >.< her friend wuz yelling aht me too.... :P if you no meee (meranda104) I'm banned fer life ill probably get baq on in lyk 6 months or make another one : / haha ill mesg.. If I make another til then :PP
Uh, there is a cheat, but I'm not sure. But other than that, you have to wait for it to expire. My meez Is currently banned right now too. Oh, and btw, your meez was probably hacked, because if you can't get your meez, then try to do the password reminder. But other than that, if it ways that it doesnt exist, than you were probably hacked add me, my meez name is autumn21897. :D
Well Some People Report For No Reason On Meez My User On meez is -rosie-loves-you and they reported me for sex talk -_- and I didn't but roscoe Toled me that I just half to wait untill it expires... BUT! I'm guessing you should make a new account :P
If you are banned on meez you will just have to wait until it is unbanned but if your meez is banned for ever I kno how you can get on ....first if you got a myspace you add the meez app and then log on meez on myspace and you can get on your banned meez there...if you don't have a myspace well make 1 if you can't make 1 den toobad D=..... ADD MII MY USER NAME IZ KATIE_LOVE_U2 =D
Same thing happen to me but the person who reported me was the same age but I was 11 and that person was12 and the age registered was to be13 not very fair
You can't unban yourself once your banned for life you might as well make a new. You will never be able to access that meez again. Banned for life is self-explanatory.
1.if you don't what a meez is your stupid 2. I think I got email roscomeez do that when you on meez you have a code 4 I got fill out hackforums or password reminder
Jus keep loggin n your banned meez account...itz going to say yhuor banned den give yhu yhuor expired date...)(if yhu don't banned 4 life don't kno wutt yhu should do--shouldve thought of that before yhu did yhour crime))...after yhu logg n bout 9 times dey will let yhu really logg n n go 2 meez nation nd all that ...worked 4 me 4 times...but the 2nd 3rd 4th was hard...I had to logg n nd out bout 19 times----____-----NO LI3 it getts annoyin if yhu impatient yhu can't do this worked 4 me add me -BOO-DA-BEAR- jus like that
I got banned from meez but I made a new acount just ask for a new adress or give a fake on.or go to can go on nickoloden . You can not tell your real age an less you are over 13
Guys I have a good way but it may give your computer a virus (don't blame me) but the best way is to go to then type how to unban meez vip then , enter , then it tells you how to do it!
What is up XD =] o yea to egt your meez unbanned you go to make a new acc make it the same sex of your meez den you get to were you make your meez name and stuff then you try loging in oon your banned meez that worked for me XD fave fun trying