Don’t worry if you can’t use your memory card! There is a lot of software available for free online that you can easily download from the Kodak website. To find support for your camera and its software, visit Kodak’s Support Center for Consumer Products page. Visit the homepage ( and click on the Support Center tab.
You will see at the top of the page where it says ‘support by product’ and choose digital cameras. To find the software you need select the category for Downloads and Drivers and then specify which operating system your computer uses.
At the Downloads and Software Upgrades page you will be able to download the latest version of EASYSHARE Software for free. After you have located and selected the software for your operating system, a series of camera choices will appear. Choose which most applies to your camera and double click. This will then take you to a page where you can download the software for your camera.
Before you download, it is often useful to print or write down the installation instructions listed. These instructions usually include verifying your computer meets the system requirements, disconnecting accessories, verifying you are logged in under the administrator account and closing programs for installation. After you have completed these stages, you are ready to begin the download.
Downloading the software is pretty straightforward and after you have completed the installation you should follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation.
Finally, to launch your new software please select start > programs > Kodak > Kodak EasyShare > Kodak Easyshare software.
Please note that support is available only for KODAK EASYSHARE Software v5.0 and later. If you prefer to purchase EASYSHARE Software on CD, you can also visit the Kodak EASYSHARE Software page.
You will see at the top of the page where it says ‘support by product’ and choose digital cameras. To find the software you need select the category for Downloads and Drivers and then specify which operating system your computer uses.
At the Downloads and Software Upgrades page you will be able to download the latest version of EASYSHARE Software for free. After you have located and selected the software for your operating system, a series of camera choices will appear. Choose which most applies to your camera and double click. This will then take you to a page where you can download the software for your camera.
Before you download, it is often useful to print or write down the installation instructions listed. These instructions usually include verifying your computer meets the system requirements, disconnecting accessories, verifying you are logged in under the administrator account and closing programs for installation. After you have completed these stages, you are ready to begin the download.
Downloading the software is pretty straightforward and after you have completed the installation you should follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation.
Finally, to launch your new software please select start > programs > Kodak > Kodak EasyShare > Kodak Easyshare software.
Please note that support is available only for KODAK EASYSHARE Software v5.0 and later. If you prefer to purchase EASYSHARE Software on CD, you can also visit the Kodak EASYSHARE Software page.