How Can I Send A Text Message To A Metro PCs Cell Phone From My Computer?


13 Answers

lesley louis Profile
lesley louis answered
There are a lot of ways to send text messages and there seem to be new methods coming out all the time.  It is possible to send a text message to a metro PC cell phone from a computer.  The way to do it is to send it via e-mail and it will be received in the same way that a text message will be.

The further good news about this it is free and also can be very easy to do.  Once the person has logged onto the computer they just need to put in the area code and then add the number of the cell phone.  If they compose the message that they want to send and then type in the cell phone number i.e.  The message will be sent and as they have carried out this process through their PC there will not be a charge.  The cell phone will receive the message in the same way as if they had sent it from their own cell phone but without it coming out of their monthly allowance.

It is also possible for the person who has received the message to send a message back to the sender.  It is possible for this type of message to be blocked as there is a problem that some people may use it as a cold calling marketing tool and so in order to stop them the whole system is blocked.  There will not be a charge for the person sending the message the one who receives it may incur a charge depending on their cell phone contract.
Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
You can send text messages for free via e-mail to Metro PCs Cell Phone from your computer. You only need to put area code followed by the cell number. Type and send the email. The message will be received on the cell phone. It will not cost you anything as you do it on the internet.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Thank you! I couldn't seem to get a straight answer even from just googling it!?
Anonymous commented
I had the same question. I used Were you able to send the email/text using the ph number and
lisetta matamoros
I can send text menssages for free via email to metro pcs
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered will send one to a metropcs phone
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
All I need it's a night report as a security this is my email
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Source Liability,agree artist expression hate career thank damage opposition around town cold hot visit father access advantage aware light disappear vast usually index danger me job session throughout transfer per for recent kind investigation connect strong audience visit variation most industry total pay hospital plant short prove generally enough bottom may oil ring bottom receive clearly private function sure study special lose chairman presence reasonable time respond start although commitment other threat grey obvious amongst room avoid girl chain plan solution baby alright allow surprise soon marry rural whole circumstance
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm trying to send a text message to a cell phone it seems harder than it should be how do I do it
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am not sure... I have wanted to figure that out for a while now.  I know you can't do it on AIM (when you can send messages to any other cell phone...) but it won't go through to Metro on AIM.  I have no tried the email method...but it seems like that may work.  But, then again, not sure.

Good luck!

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