What Does A Riolu Look Like?


4 Answers

jon nothin Profile
jon nothin answered
It is a fox like creature on two legs. It is a smaller version of its evolution Lucario. It has floppy ears, claws and long, sort of kangaroo legs.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you want a riolu go to Iron Island and you have to do something for the wizard =]
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This is a Riolu: www.pokemon-france.com link to the picture  
And it evolves into a Lucario: pokemon-movie.cocolog-nifty.com (thats the link to the photo)
(use exp. Share and it'll eventually evolve from happiness in the daytime)
How to get him (with Pokemon Platinum)
 First ride the ferry from Canalave City to Iron Island then go into the cave on Iron Island and explore it until a guy wearing all blue named Riley comes up to you and asks you if youll go through the cave with him and after you go to where ever he asks you to go then he gives you a riolu egg that takes 6,656 steps to hatch.

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