
What Do I Do If My Panasonic Plasma TV Is Overheated And Will Not Turn On?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How do you know it overheated? Or is this an assumption. There also are no tubes in a plasma TV. Its plasma ions gas that is preseemed between two sheets of glass.

Your tv is in fault protection. When this happens the set bypasses the startup pins to keep from damaging more components internally. The result NO OSD-On Screen dsiplay and a blinking fault LED. You can reply back with the model number and manu year so I can better help you. If you are still under warranty call the CS, if no warranty then no need to worry about voiding one. E addy at yah.. For detailed instructions and pix.

Best Regards and Semper Fi

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I havent turned my plasma tv for a whole week until know. There is sound but no picture what should I do
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If your Plasma TV is not showing picture then there are two possibilities that either the picture tube is facing some problem or the power supply has burnt. You should take help from some technical expert. And reading the following link will also help you a lot. So click here to read.
mark salcido Profile
mark salcido answered
Once the new plasmas are having problems it is better to try to exchange it or check you warranty, repairs are way too costly.

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