Are There Any Cheats For Mathletics?


39 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are a few cheats which allow you to bypass some parts of the Mathletics application in certain circumstances, but these offer limited benefit and quickly become obsolete as the Mathletics producers identify and fix them.  They usually involve a large effort for minimal gain and you will normally find it more productive and informative to work through the actual exercises conventionally.

Mathletics is a widely used interactive computer program used by schools in many different countries to help children learn and develop maths skills.  The system is normally purchased by schools and teachers set specific tasks or times for students to work on their mathletics which keeps a record of the student scores and progress.

As with most popular software, there are people who try to hack into the program and work out cheats or ways around doing the actual exercises in order to get higher scores or unearned credits.  The hackers may then publish their cheats on blogs or video internet sites, or they may even offer to sell them for profit.

The vast majority of these cheats only work if you are using a certain version Mathletics or have a particular computer set up at your school.  Generally they will only provide a small opportunity for gain and may not work at all as 3P Learning (the producers of Mathletics) fix them.

Mathletics is a fun and effective learning tool designed to help students develop maths skills and pass their exams.  Using cheats will not do this so if you are struggling to answer the questions you may find it more beneficial to use the help available on the Mathletics system or ask your teacher for guidance.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

ha its works                                            not

Mark Sturgeon Profile
Mark Sturgeon answered

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Don't believe them and the guy who gave his userame and password iz an idiot I checked it out he lives In austiRla he wanTS YOU TO DO IT FOR HIM!!!



Emdog Bubbles Profile
Emdog Bubbles answered
Hey guys there is some cheats, but first of all don't listen to these guys none of their cheats work. So let's get started: 1. To give yourself all gold bars unlocked and a tresure chest, log in and edit the URL bar up the top of your screen, delete the part that says ClassRoomID, hit enter. Now you have a tresure chest. 2. Do the same thing as no.1 but do this when your teacher has set you a task, this makes it so you no longer have any tasks. 3. To edit the number of certificates that you have, click on a certificate that you have and mke it large screen. Now you edit the URL bar, take out the last number and replace it with the number of certificates you want. Hit enter, you now have that many certificates. Sorry guys this isn't permanant though. 4. To edit the leve you are on mathletics, go live mathletics and click on my report, enlarge the screen. Now, once again take out the last number in the URL bar and replace it with the number of the level you want to be. Press enter, now this number will come up on your screen as the level you are on.THat's all the cheats I have for now, the only other cheats require cheatengine that I know of. But... I would realy appreciats it if you guys could tell me the other cheats you have and if you are realy smart, I'd try deleting other things in the URL bar to see if you can find/make up your own cheats. BYE!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey just keep doin an easy one till you get the number of points you want
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Use cheat engine to get heaps of points by slowing the game down my highest score on level 2 is over 200 same with level 3
Jennifer Perty Profile
Jennifer Perty answered
All the people who put their usernames and passwords on here just want us innocent people to do their work for them! Let me tell you now THIS IS A BIG MISTAKE! Do not do their work for them the lazy pigs! Just because they can't work their brains it doesnt mean we have to do their work for them the brainless idiots. I have a brilliant cheat for you and that cheat is... DUN DUN DUN - The cheat is to log on to your OWN account and work hard to be the best you can be! (You don't need fake cheats to help you - just put your brain to work and soon you will be level 5, practice makes perfect).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes there is one cheat that I know of click on ? In an activity. Then either press another example, easier examples, medium examples or harder examples. Then keep pressing on that same button until it comes up with your question. You've got your answer and keep doing that until the activity is finished. :-)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I've got a great one for you just log on to JR12081 password broom 28 I have spent months working on this so if you want tons of credits then log onto this one price 1 activity
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Everyone you do not get any points he/she wants you do do somthing so DO NOT do any im telling the truth!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You click shift and enter 1 after another if it don't work its your computer p.s it gives you a bost of 999 points!!! :p :D :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
People Should not give out there usernames and password. It is not good you just want other people to get you credit so nobody fall for it! 
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There is one cheat where you hold down ctrl and enter at the same during a game not on mathletics live just the normal one if it doesnt work do it once you hav completed it!!!!

Hope it helps!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes wen logging in click on user name until other user names go on it should loggin someone elses but use it when your at skool
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There is actually a cheat! What you have to do is go to: *My awards* an click on any of the certificates ,Gold,Silver or Bronze, then you simply click on a certificate  then up the top the is a number saying what certificate you looking at so simply right click on that and click on *Inspect Element* click on that and on the bottom there should be a number saying how many certificates you have. It will have a big section and have the same number of certificates in there, double click on that, and type in whatever number you want that will make the same numbers the one up the top. And unfortunately as soon as you go down from that number it will go back up the the real one. =[ but hope you enjoy it!(I am still looking for  more!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes their r username-jc88392-password-trick69 trust me it works real good get a lot of credit and I will give you more cheats
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes the 123 etc. When you are playing live mathletics click 1 enter 2 enter and so on till you get to nine
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't think so but you shouldnt use them because you wont learn anything if you need help ask you gardian or your teacher.
mia samuels Profile
mia samuels answered
I'm not sure I wouldnt cheat though bc if they catch you you will be kicked out I'm sure so just keep studying!
Fatuma Reech Profile
Fatuma Reech answered
No there isn't because it is easy and just maths and people make mistakes sometimes but other people think that they need don't have to make mistakes but there is no need to cheat.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Username and passwords TB06978 crane61 kh2419 band51 aj2090 sing06 nm7269 slum66 fm5177 curl53  cn1352 beef71 er2350 sink36 as56859 never33 gs9123 dash18 as2386 boat73 kt8557 clock96 fw5229 drank13 lf6581 pony10 TH0586 grow63
ms4070 small68

true passwords if you don't belive me you don't know want you are missing out on sincerely th0586 grow63 just belive me there true
try the last one its the best because its a teacher usermame and password no hokes

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