
Why Is Visual Basic An Event Driven Language?


5 Answers

Alongbar Daimary Profile
Visual basic's flow of programming is determined by events  i.e., sensor outputs or user actions (mouse clicks, key  presses) or messages from other programs or threads. So it is an Event Driven Programming Language.
Florio Potter Profile
Florio Potter answered

VISUAL BASIC is a VISUAL and Event-driven Programming Language. These are the main divergence from the old BASIC. In BASIC, programming is done in a text-only environment and the program is executed sequentially. In Visual Basic 6, programming is done in a graphical environment.

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Alongbar Daimary Profile
As other Event driven programming language, Visual basic's flow of programming is determined by events  i.e., sensor outputs or user actions like mouse clicks, key  presses or messages from other programs or threads. So it is known as  Event Driven Programming Language!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because until an event occurs the execution of the process will not be done.
For example:
Until and unless you press result button in calculator that is made in vb environment , it will not produce any result.
Answer is by manas rana.

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