
What Is Meant By Time Sharing In Mainframe Systems?


2 Answers

Muhammad Azhar Profile
Muhammad Azhar answered
In batch system, the user cannot interact with the job when it is being executed. It means that all possible problems must be anticipated before hand as the user cannot make corrections during execution. It becomes very difficult when a program has to go through many phases such as compilation, linking etc. It may be difficult to define what to do if a particular phase tails. Another problem is the debugging of a program. All debugging is static. The only information to find out is why the program is giving incorrect output at various stages of execution.

Time sharing was introduced to make computer systems more interactive. CPU is the most important resource that is shared. Each job gets CPU for a small amount of time. When the allotted time period for a job is used, the next job in line is allocated CPU.

The switching between jobs occurs very frequently. It allows the user to interact with, the job as it is running. Operating system should enable the user to interact with jobs that are executing. The communication usually occurs via keyboard. The user gets a prompt to enter commands. The user must know the status of the job in order to enter relevant commands. The output of a job is usually presented on a monitor.

Generally, the commands given by the user take very little time to execute. The control returns to command line after finishing a command. It displays a prompt to indicate that the system is ready to execute another command. DOS and Unix are examples of such of system.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Time Sharing Option or TSO is an interactive environment in IBM mainframes. Allows users to share the use of mainframe and is made possible by the ability to process several jobs simultaneously.

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