There are four main classifications of computers: Mainframe computers, micro-computers mini-computers, and super-computers. Here is a brief breakdown of each:
Microprocessors became the most common type of processing equipment as they featured predominantly in personal computers. They had enough power to perform the basic recreational activities that people owning personal computers required. Typically, personal computers were used for playing music and movies as well as surfing the Internet and word processing amongst other things. Micro-computers are your typical laptop or desktop computers and are widely available at relatively affordable prices.
- Mainframe computers.
- Micro-computers.
Microprocessors became the most common type of processing equipment as they featured predominantly in personal computers. They had enough power to perform the basic recreational activities that people owning personal computers required. Typically, personal computers were used for playing music and movies as well as surfing the Internet and word processing amongst other things. Micro-computers are your typical laptop or desktop computers and are widely available at relatively affordable prices.
- Mini-computers.
- Super computers.