The word CPU stands for the Central Processing Unit which is a core component of the computer. It's an important part of your computer which takes data as an input, processes it and generates output.
The working of the CPU is just like the working of the Human brain.The Human brain receives the data from the nervous system, processes those signals and makes decisions about it and then sends them back to the nervous system again. The same work is done by the CPU but in a different manner.
For example: If a user enters (types) the word Computer, the user typed command sent to the CPU is not Computer - it is decoded into machine language by installed software which changes the user entered command into machine understandable language for the further processing and decisions. Then this command is sent to its concerned part where the installed application software takes their decision regarding that command which came from the user and then generates output on the basis of defined set rules and procedures in installed application software. After this process the command is returned from the software and sent to the processor where the process of conversion from machine language to user language is done again and the user sees the output of his entered command in the form of word Computer.
You may ask: if CPU takes such a long time to process a simple command then what will happen if we write a document or give a command of play the movie? All this whole process is done on electrical signals which travel with the speed of light and the process is much quicker than it takes to explain.
The working of the CPU is just like the working of the Human brain.The Human brain receives the data from the nervous system, processes those signals and makes decisions about it and then sends them back to the nervous system again. The same work is done by the CPU but in a different manner.
For example: If a user enters (types) the word Computer, the user typed command sent to the CPU is not Computer - it is decoded into machine language by installed software which changes the user entered command into machine understandable language for the further processing and decisions. Then this command is sent to its concerned part where the installed application software takes their decision regarding that command which came from the user and then generates output on the basis of defined set rules and procedures in installed application software. After this process the command is returned from the software and sent to the processor where the process of conversion from machine language to user language is done again and the user sees the output of his entered command in the form of word Computer.
You may ask: if CPU takes such a long time to process a simple command then what will happen if we write a document or give a command of play the movie? All this whole process is done on electrical signals which travel with the speed of light and the process is much quicker than it takes to explain.