
Describe Working Of CPU Scheduler Also Describe CPU I/O Burst Cycle?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Operating system has to select one of the processes from the ready queue to execute them whenever CPU becomes idle. For selecting a process from ready queue operating system uses CPU scheduler. A ready queue can be based on any algorithm such as FIFO, Priority queue, or simply an unordered linked list.

A process alternate between CPU burst and I/O burst. Actually, a process starts with a CPU burst followed by an I/O burst then another CPU burst and so on. This whole process is known as CPU-I/O burst cycle. The last CPU burst does not end with a I/O burst but it end with system request. load store data, add store data, read from file, store increment, write to file, delete data from a file, add increment, and other operations like these are known as CPU burst.

I/O burst contains any input and output. The whole process as from the beginning of a CPU burst and ending with the system request to close execution is known as CPU-I/O burst cycle. Many short CPU burst, an I/O bound program might have. Similarly, few long CPU burst, a CPU bound program might have.
Muhammad Azhar Profile
Muhammad Azhar answered
The process of selecting the next job that will run on the CPU belongs to the short-term or CPU scheduler. The CPU scheduler can only pick from the jobs that are already in memory and ready to go. The scheduler works in cooperation with the interrupt system.
• The scheduler assigns the CPU to perform computation on behalf of a particular process or thread within a process.

• CPU can be "borrowed" from its current process by an interrupt. It is under the control of external devices not scheduler. Interrupts can be disabled for a short time.
• When a process or thread requests an I/O transfer, it normally becomes ineligible to use the CPU until the transfer is complete. This means that the scheduler will have to choose a new process or a new thread within the same process to use the CPU.
• The process or thread that requested the I/O again becomes eligible to use the CPU when the I/O transfer is complete.

CPU I/O Burst Cycle
The execution of a process consists of an alternation of CPU bursts and I/O bursts. A process begins and ends with a CPU burst. In between, CPU activity is suspended whenever an I/O operation is needed.
• If the CPU bursts are relatively short compared to the I/O bursts, then the process is said to be I/O bound. For example, a typical data processing task involves reading a record, some minimal computation and writing a record.
• If CPU bursts are relatively long compared to I/O bursts, a process is said to be CPU bound. A number crunching task involves an I/O burst to read parameters. A very long CPU burst and another I/O burst is required to write results.

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