
How To Get A Jet In Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What is

the cheat code for the jet airplane for the psp video game?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You have to go to the airport with an ambulance(only on lance and over missions) go to were the jumbo jet is park your ambulance were the runway is jump on the top of the ambulance jump onto the wing and go to were the little door is and press triangle
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can't, sorry dude
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You have to find one that is on the ground
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To get a jumbo jet in gta vc you have to download it when downloaded it will apear at the airport
in a hanger but it is small for you to get in
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Press O O O L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L3 R1 R1 R9

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