
What Are Units And Symbols Of Current, Voltage, And Resistance?


2 Answers

amber Jhon Profile
amber Jhon answered
The flow of charge per unit time is called current and its symbol is I.

Current= Charge/ Time

I= Q/T

Unit of current is ampere.

Ampere= coulomb / Second

The change in potential energy per unit charge is called voltage. The symbol of voltage is V and its unit is volt.

Voltage= Potential Energy/ Charge

Volts= Joule/ Coulomb

The opposition of flow of current in an electrical circuit is called resistance. Its symbol is R and its unit is resistance.

Resistance= Voltage/ Current

Ohm= Volts/ Ampere
sherlin smith Profile
sherlin smith answered


symbol= I or i , unit =  Ampere.


symbol= V or E, unit= Volt.


symbol= R, unit= Ohm.

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