
Where to get call details for any phone number? 


1 Answers

Phil Newton Profile
Phil Newton answered

If you're looking to get the details of phone calls made by another phone number, there are only a couple of options available to you, and I'll get to them shortly.  Before I do, though, I think it's worth thinking about the moral implications.

Why would someone want call details for a phone number?

Off the top of my head, there are a few reasons that I can think of:

  1. A lack of trust in a partner.
  2. To be nosy about a friend.
  3. Stalking.

Obviously there are issues with all three of the above reasons to want to get call details of a phone number.  I'd advise anyone thinking of trying to do this to reconsider. 

If you're worried about your partner you should talk to them rather than spy on their phone calls.  It's a breach of trust, and will probably come back to bite you on the rear end at some point.

If you're stalking somebody - just stop.  It's an awful thing to do.

That being said, let's assume that you're simply interested in how someone MIGHT get the call details of another phone number.

What are the methods?

Thankfully for the general population, there are only a couple of methods I know of that would allow for someone to access call details of another person's phone.

  1. If you're with the person - have a look at their phone and click on "recent" in the call history log.
  2. If you don't have access to the phone, but can find their online phone account details, you can log in and look at the call history.

    Usually, the carrier will have an online login area, and once you've put in the correct email address and password, you'll be able to access details related to that account such as phone calls made, accoutn history and billing details...

Luckily, if you're able to do either of these tasks, it appears that you already know the person you're spying on.  But looking back to my earlier comments, I would advise against doing this.  It's not fair.

This video highlights another reason why you should not look at someone else's call history:

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