Have "old school" SEO tactics been made redundant through Google's relationship with social media?


3 Answers

Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

SEO is certainly changing, and Google's search algorithm is becoming more and more sophisticated. It now takes into account factors like what people are doing on social media and what content they are sharing, enjoying, and approving of.

This doesn't necessarily mean traditional SEO techniques are ineffective, but it does raise the question "what should SEOs now focus on?"

Fellow Blurters Duncan Johnson and Sean Clark share their expert opinion in the clip below (taken from our first ever Blurtit Google Hangout on Air), and highlight how quality content is still the key to performing well on Google:

Ali Haider Profile
Ali Haider , freedemy, answered

I am not sure what you meant by old school seo tactics, whether you are referencing to black hat link building to jump serps. But as far as SEO as a whole is concerned if you follow Google guidelines and do ethical link building like guest blogging, Blog commenting, link baiting, directories etc. These tactics are still working great.

As far as social sharing is concerned. Social signals is one of the metrics which Google takes into account when ranking a website. SO more shares, likes, tweets means better ranking. But social is just one factor.

mark rushworth Profile
mark rushworth , Head of Search, answered

No. Social media is just one tiny way you can help with SEO. Link Building and landing pages are still the majority method of attracting relevant visitors from organic search.

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