Donate them to the House of Ruth (an organization for women in abusive relationships). Since all cell phones, even without service, can call 911; they use old phones to give to these women who otherwise would not be able to afford them.
Yeah they Recyle the Batteries and make it into something New.
I always recycle mine... But I remove the sim card first .
No>>>?i will sell it.
I would sell it or exchange a new one. Ofcourse with extra money loll.
I will sell it
We donate ours to a charity.
One word: Hammer.
I've never had a phone so I don't do anything with them.
I keep them just in case I need them for somewhat reason.
Thank you for your question.
Those that I haven't lost I have put into recycling.
Thank you for your question.
Those that I haven't lost I have put into recycling.