Head in the safari game's direction. Go in to the first cave you see and go down the ladder. Surf to your right and when you see a place to do rock climb. Go up to the embedded tower(the cave at the top)and then go strait. There will then be a room and in the center should be Kyogre.
First get the blue orb from mr. Pokemon. Then follow base poops directions
You have 2 go 2 the embedded tower which is near the safari zone and the best way to catch it is use a high level pokemon that knows false swipe and another with hypnosis and then use a net bal if it doesnt work keep on using net bals until it does
Yeah trade or do an event
Go to tower and catch
Like you go to the safari zone but go down the latter use surf then use rock climb then he should be there thats were I found him
Get the johto and kanto and hoen starters ten go to mr pokemon hell give you a blue orb then go get him in the otherguys cave suggestion. W00 wrote this on DSi
You can find it in Vancouver.
You go to china and buy a million dollor Popsicle from a hobo
You trade a groudon on to gold and go on to a cave near the safari zone