Put it in a bag fill the bag with rice if its a flip or slide open it make sure the chip n batteries out this is the best way to do it make sure you let it sit for 2 days or more!
Either out it in the airing cupboard for one week or liuke said above, put it in a bag and fill it with rice because rice is super at absorbing water and will get into the cracks, try the airing cupboard first and then the rice if that hasnt worked. Good Luck!! Xx
I once dropped me cell in a toilet and I took the battery out and blew dry the phone and then I just sat it down on the tv for a couple of days and it started working again but leave the battery out of it while it is drying out
I tried taking my battery out and blow-drying it! It helped, really. But, you have to dry it for a while. Might not be totally broken. Good luck!
This has happened to me in the past. Give it a few days to dry out, and it still might work. It takes several days to dry it completely out. Do not try to use it until you have given it sufficient time to dry out.

This just happenied to em today what I did was take I appert while I was swimmiing and let it dry then when I got home I took it appert and put it in a bag of rice I still don't know the results
There is many ways to fix your phone.One way could be take the back of your phone off and take out the battery and the sim card. Set them somewhere where you won't lose it. Then put your phone on top of a washcloth with the screen going straight up. Then you can put a light over it and just let it sit. That should dry out your phone.Or, this sounds a little crazy but trust me it works. Take of the battery from your phone and put your phone in the oven.Make sure it is sitting on something like a cookie sheet.
That's happened to me I was getting something out of the pool and I had to swim to the middle and I had my phone in my pocket my phone is dry but my screen still has water in it how do I get it out ?
I all ready try and try but it will not on that I just sit on my computer while my phone is there on the fan drying.... GOD knows what to do on my phone...
You can try and dry it but I'm sorry to say it's not very possible for it to work now. Cellphones have sensitive software that is easily damaged when it comes in contact with water, so that even if the parts seem ok, you can't do much to revive it if the software has been washed away.
I dryed my phone with a hair dryer. We then put it in the frezzer for no longer than 3 mins (the screen will freeze if put in longer.) then we placeed it on a face cloth and put it under a light. Even though we dropped the phone in the water for a little the screen works but the buttons don't that might just be because its a crappy phone.. WHO KNOWS...
Dry it out completely then take it back to where you got it and get it replaced and say it just stopped working,leave it in the sun for a while first,warrenty will cover if you have one.obviously don't tell them you jumped in the pool with it in your pocket,lol