KB, MB and GB are units of memory in computer. KB stands for kilobytes which mean 1024 bytes. MB means megabyte which means 1024 KB. And GB is gigabytes which mean 1024 MB.
1KB = 1024 characters
1MB = 1048576 characters
1GB = 1073741824 characters
There are just over a thousand bits in a Kilobit (KB), there are just over a thousand of those in a Megabyte (MB) and there are just over a thousand Megabytes in a Gigabyte (GB).
1MB = 1048576 characters
1GB = 1073741824 characters
There are just over a thousand bits in a Kilobit (KB), there are just over a thousand of those in a Megabyte (MB) and there are just over a thousand Megabytes in a Gigabyte (GB).