
Is There Any Panfu Usernames And Passwords?


29 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Nobody is going to give you there password because they would be pretty stupid. I will tell you mine and it is right. Please make me a gold member please user: Me1925 password:camilo
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Don't use the user and passwords they don't work trust me
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Are these all members
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I got one
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey guys! Here are one I found but its preety dumb I have a member I'm not giving beacuse I don't trust you but here is a non member  I started.>>>
                                                                                          USER: Hotgirl
( Ha no she isn't she is naked.)                                    Pass: 23kids
                                                          Enjoy~! Buy irene.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
XXxPrinceSSxXx Password Love
Cool_xD_Boy password only for boys
Ellie_Belly_xD_PrinceSS password Ellie smelly   Haha I'm lauthing at this one ;D
Sexy_Sexy_Boy_Girls-love you password sexy-love
XxXpRiNcEsS_sCaRyXxX password Scary

They mite not work sorry I knew them from ages now so sorry if they don't work ;)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No one will want to give you their username or password, unless they are really stupid or because they have had enough of their account!   So I don't think you will get much accounts!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
None of these work y try them??? Emmio- I'm on Secretbuilders, Millsberry, Club Penguin, Panfu, Nickelodeon.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
when we get to level 40 ill buy a 12 month membership for all of us!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ye how dum do you have to be to give out your pass or user name? Well ok I can give you myn but it don't have gold pack!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have one but it not gold srry.
Here it is:
Name: TheKnight
Password: Dragon1
hes only lvl 28 make me atleast lvl 35 or 34, then tell me your name then you will be my bast friend
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have got a club penguin it is a member for 1 month
gemma anderson Profile
gemma anderson answered
Only one works you all r liars but harvester sooo you can all get lost if you not going to give real ones
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Go to this website

you will find ut a very rare members accounts for club penguin and panfu
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There is mine whats purplepanda01 and da pass is horse's with two s's  plus its gold and rich ive had enough of it! Its boring now ive moved on to club penguin
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Username popcorn223
password Callum
it works and it is level 100
and it is gold and it has cool stuff

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