I Forgot My Ourworld Email Address How To Replace It?


5 Answers

Abby Heath Profile
Abby Heath answered
You can email parents@ourworld.com.
Just write, 'Hello my name is [your name] and I have forgotten the login email for [ourworld username] please email it to me,
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well what about if your on level 9 and you want to keep all your friends and you can't and youve forgotton there names
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Make a new account
Fwcking Awesome Profile
Fwcking Awesome answered
Then you search yourself and add those friends back? Use a little common sense. I lost a noob account (Lvl 30) and can't remember the email. BOO! :P but ourWorld-Mail me on iKoshi and ill send you info for some lvl 60 something accounts :D Ik, their only lvl 60 blah blah blah but their still great accounts.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Do you have any accounts i could have maybe? I recently got hacked :( Thanks!!
Anonymous commented
Oh, and my ourworld name is Its Kayla 8D

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