Currently, no web site exists where it is possible to discover a complete and accurate list of all sites that the address has been registered to. Indeed, many would view such a piece of software as potentially damaging as it could reveal private information as to the web habits of the person whose address it is.
That said, there is still a good way to investigate the kinds of sites that your email address has been and is being used on and the simplest way to achieve this is to open up a large search engine and search for your email address.
The list of results will show you the less secure places where your email address has been entered into a web form or comment field. By browsing these sites, you can gain information into where your email address may have been legitimately used and stored, and those sites which may have accessed your information from a third party.
This information is particularly useful as many sites should nowadays be taking every precaution to safeguard your email details, particularly if you have stated that you wish this information to remain private. A site that has been designed for e-safety and an individual's privacy in mind should not show up on the list, as their security precautions of protecting your information are obviously working.
Therefore, the sites that do appear on the list of Google search results are the ones who are perhaps not being as secure with your email information as they should be.
If you are looking to see whether your email address has been used on a specific site, the quickest way to do it is to enter your details and ask for the site to send you a password reminder. This will immediately confirm to you whether your email has been used on the site or not.
That said, there is still a good way to investigate the kinds of sites that your email address has been and is being used on and the simplest way to achieve this is to open up a large search engine and search for your email address.
The list of results will show you the less secure places where your email address has been entered into a web form or comment field. By browsing these sites, you can gain information into where your email address may have been legitimately used and stored, and those sites which may have accessed your information from a third party.
This information is particularly useful as many sites should nowadays be taking every precaution to safeguard your email details, particularly if you have stated that you wish this information to remain private. A site that has been designed for e-safety and an individual's privacy in mind should not show up on the list, as their security precautions of protecting your information are obviously working.
Therefore, the sites that do appear on the list of Google search results are the ones who are perhaps not being as secure with your email information as they should be.
If you are looking to see whether your email address has been used on a specific site, the quickest way to do it is to enter your details and ask for the site to send you a password reminder. This will immediately confirm to you whether your email has been used on the site or not.