
How To Get Cash Items For Free On Meez?


12 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
To get cash items for free on Meez, all you have to do is go to this website: The freecashitems website offers free cash items, blanks, coinz and other tokens which are used for the website.

Meez is one of the popular social networking sites in the internet with over 13 million registered users, most of which are from the United States. Meez offers gaming and social networking. Users can customize their profiles, create their own avatars, meet and connect with their friends. Aside from these, it is a popular site for gaming, socializing, chatting and sharing media and one can even customize his Meez site.

Developed by Donnerwood Media and was launched in 2006, it has evolved to one of the most popular sites in the World Wide Web. It is said that most of its users go on line on an average of 3 hours daily. Owe to this popularity, major brands placed their ads on the site like Rocawear, Nike, NHL and NBA among many others. Meez is a free social networking site, but it also offers VIP membership. VIP members have the privilege of having exclusive access to enhanced features and ad free areas. The year 2008 witnessed a more improved Meez site with the unveiling of a number of virtual neighbourhoods like the "hangouts" and the customized personal spaces called "roomz"

Meez have several items in its MeezMaker for free. However, if you want to further customize or enhance your site like having certain animations or premium items, you have to purchase Meez "coinz." These "coinz" serves as the currency to play games and make your Meez site more fun. Pre-paid Meez coins can be purchased at retailers like Target and Best Buys. Meez cash are also sold on the Meez website. However, there are websites like the freecashitems site which gives away free cash for users to take free cash items to boost their gaming and Meez experience.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hello ! This is a girl from meez I am not going to tell you my name >_< .
Ok so 7_mookie is a hacker ! She hacked me I gave her my user and password and she hacked me I already had cash items but my credit card messed up and I let her do it I thought we were friends but she really is a hacker... Don't be fooled people ok.
Be careful.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have never believed in any site other then this one :  it actually gave me Cash items. Caution you do have to put down your user and pass. But its a trusted site
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Om fg I don't want to get hacket I don't trust nobody I only trust myself and it is very hard to get free cashed items belive meh I mailed in my money 3 diff-rint times and didnt get my sh id yet
bacon Profile
bacon answered
Well, I found this site called and they gave me 23,000 coinz and I have every cash item. You have 2 email them because when I tried, there was a site not published link. Hope this Helps!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You guys r all wrong D:
bacon Profile
bacon answered
I use I have 109 cash items and counting! I got 23,000 coinz from this download on the website too. All you have to do is go to the your info page and click the email and it is 'star'
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Some people know how to put ill be hard to figer's hard to figer out people will never tell you on meez people iight.some people buy there cash items.I'm buy some 2 look me up if you wnat vip and cash items send me a messege on my meez with your credit cared number and ill hook you up.add me and send me a messeges my meez name is (youngmoney_305) iight got it!!

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