
How To Install Primavera?


2 Answers

Joe Gilbert Profile
Joe Gilbert answered
Installing Primavera is much like installing any other software but you will have to take into account the MS SQL portion if you are installing a standalone version.

Insert the Primavera software CD into the CD-ROM drive of your computer. If Auto Play does not engage within a short period of time or you have it disabled, you can access the installer by double clicking "My Computer” and selecting the CD-ROM drive. Click "Install Client Applications” in the Primavera install window. Choose "Next.”

When prompted, you will need to enter your product code in the "Enter a product code” area. The product code is printed on the installation CD. It is recommended that you read the "Primavera Software License Agreement,” afterwards select "I accept the terms of the license agreement.” & click "Next.”

Select the setup you prefer in the "Setup Type” window. The choices are "Primavera Client Applications,” this has the Project Management and Methodology Management modules; "Primavera Stand-alone,” has the Client Applications, MS SQL Server/SQL Express and Empty Database modules; and "Custom,” which gives you options regarding the components you would like installed.  Unless you have a specific reason to change the defaults, it is best to leave them as they are. 

The Destination Location can be changed but the defaults are recommended unless you know exactly where you would like it installed, and click "Next.” Select where you would like Primavera common files saved and click "Next.”

Check the features you want to install on your computer in the "Select Features to Install” and click "Next.” Type the name of the program folder in the "Program Folder” box and click "Next.” The default name is "Primavera” Click "Install” to begin the installation of files.  Once the installation software is ready you will have the option to select "Finish” completing the installation.
Aisha Profile
Aisha answered
Primavera is world's best project and portfolio management software. There are many versions of Primavera. Since you haven't mentioned which program you are trying to install, here is a link to Primavera's official website, where you can find installation instructions for various programs;

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