How Do You Add Links To Tweets?


3 Answers

Monica Stott Profile
Monica Stott answered
It is extremely easy to add links to tweets. Simply open the page that you would like to link to and copy the URL at the top of the page. This is the link that begins with 'www.' To copy it, highlight it with your mouse and press 'Control + C'. Pressing these buttons at the same time will copy whatever you have highlighted and is often quicker and easier than using your mouse.

You will now need to go back to Twitter and paste the URL into the text box. To paste press 'Control + V' and this will paste the last thing you copied. Twitter will now automatically shorten your url to just a few characters. This is a relatively new feature as is very useful as it means your valuable 140 characters are no longer wasted with long urls. The url will now be less than 10 characters which will give you 130 characters left to type your message which can be placed either before or after the url you have posted.

It is recommended that you only post links to websites that are credible and relevant. It is likely that your account will be blocked if you post to pornography sites or other sites that would be unsuitable for under 18s. You should never link to sites that contain viruses or spam.

You will also find that many websites now have a 'Tweet this' button somewhere on the page. If you are already logged into Twitter, the 'tweet this' button allows you to tweet the link, sometimes with the title and/or some information about the link and often a link to the Twitter account of the creator of the link.

Twitter is a great social networking tool used to socialize with friends, make new friends with similar interests and hobbies, share links to other websites and share thoughts and opinions.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Start with http:// .. Then your target site.
Nowadays you can omit the www. Part

Ex. Http://

will work just as well as You still have to stay under 160 characters.

Twitter will shorten links over 30 characters for you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can go to a site that will shorten a URL for you and drop them in wherever you want on your Tweet, but it can't exceed the allowed character limit. Here's a site that will shorten a URL for you. You can find more if you look up "shorten a URL."

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