Well you can do nothing in order to remove the websites because most of the schools and colleges use the LAN based network so if you are using your computer on the LAN based network which is controlled by the server so you cannot do anything to unblock your website for chatting until the server does not give your permission.
Well, you can try from the following list of websites and chat with your friends if they are not blocked:)
1.www.msn2go.com 2.http//webmessenger.msn.com
3.www.iloveim.com 4.www.meebo.com
I'm sure one of them must have not been blocked.
1.www.msn2go.com 2.http//webmessenger.msn.com
3.www.iloveim.com 4.www.meebo.com
I'm sure one of them must have not been blocked.
u can try ultra surf, if u never tried that. If that does not work than ur scrowd